you already have all the customers, clients, or business
you'd like. In that case, don't waste your time here.
These pages won't try to tell you that Donohue&Co. is better than anyone
else. You'll decide that for yourself. These pages are strictly information
-- as complete and correct as I can make it, organized the way I wish
someone had explained it to me -- about how, specifically,
your computer
(and/or the Internet) will transform your business in the next six months.
- I'm about to tell you that and show you that, in very explicit detail.
- I'm going to list all the very specific tools you can use, and how
you can use them, and mix them with each other and with other media
(e.g., what's the best way to mix mail-robots and classified ads?)
- And I'm going to suggest that you make an effort to read it all --
especially if you're starting out, or
if you know you need to do something, but you're not sure exactly what.
(There are a lot of people in that position.)
There is a powerful mini-course right here, and it's free.
Whether you do anything about it or not,
the Internet has ALREADY changed the way people do business.
Your choice is not whether people will do
business with you
on the Internet or not.
It is whether people will
do business with you
or somebody else.
The good news is that this is more an opportunity
than a threat.
Use it well and your customer list will multiply, you will learn
new ways to sell what you already have. Then discover the challenge of
markets you never imagined, products you never considered.
After you've read all this, if you want to talk about how Donohue&Co.
can help you, please give me a call.
-- John Donohue
Best of Your Industry
If you're not simply looking to get Internet presence, but you want to
make it the best in your industry (at least in
your region), we have a special program we will offer to only one firm in
each industry.
Nothing further is said about it here. Call or email.

Building Your Business
Even if you plan to do business elsewhere, don't fail to take advantage of
the lessons here. You may not choose to read as far as our rates, below,
but you'll get a considerable education about what tools exist
(about a dozen are described here), and how some otherwise small businesses
are using them to make thousands, even millions of dollars.
Much of this information is being sold elsewhere for up to $495.00.
Once we've covered the basics, we'll discuss different approaches.
Some of you will want to do things yourself, some will assign it all to
an Internet Presence Provider; or you can mix the two. Many of you will
require a seminar, a phone call, or a meeting, before you reach a sufficient
comfort level to proceed.
Finally, if you proceed all the way through our "mini-course" here,
we'll tell you about something called "Saturday's End." Donohue&Co.
created it -- for your relaxation, your convenience, and your abundant
business opportunity. You cannot imagine what you will find when
"they" finally open the road into Saturday's End.
If not, there are three services you may find valuable.
- General Consulting
- If what you want to know has nothing to do with
the Internet, but you need overview, audit, or certain
specific programming, we offer Computer and Business Consulting.
From computerizing a business to occasional advice on
the intelligent use of $50 software, you'll find an intelligent
ear and an executive approach. Donohue&Co. has been a vital
force in elaborate computer projects in Central New York
for twenty years! Areas of particular
concentration: Internet, financial, production, professional services,
and computer/machine interface.
- Creating "Presence" on the Internet
- If you think it's just about putting up a website,
you really need to read this.
- Keeping Current
- Whether by attending John Donohue's seminars, or
just requesting the occasional "Executive Email" he sends
(clients only, please), you're not going to let your
competition streak ahead. (Specific seminars are mentioned
on other pages, in context.)